320QRWS Compression Connectors for Hardline or QR cable.
- For use with Commscope 320QR Coax Cable
- 360 degree circular compression provides durable weather seal.
- EX320QR One piece design.
- EX320QR O-Ring provides complete seal between nut & body.
- Superior corrosion resistance and RF integrity.
- Bandwidth: 0 MHz to 1.2 GHz
- Return Loss: Better than -30dB to 1.2 GHz
- Insertion Loss: Less than .10 dB to 1.2 GHz
- Operating Voltage: 90 Volts @ 60 Hz continous AC
Requires Coring Tool: Ripley Cablematic Part# CST 320 (in Stock)
Required Insatllation Tool: Sargent 9010US
- Bags have 25 pcs, Case has 16 bags (400 pcs)